Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 1.06.2015

Yıl: 2015

Araştırma Makalesi


1. Jean Gottmann as a Visionary and a Critic


2. Russia-European Union Borderlands: Transboundary Gradients, Interactions and Current Challenges

Konferans Bildirisi

5. Land Use, Settlement, and Modern Landscapes


8. Baltic Subjects of the Russian Federation among Border Regions of Russia


11. The Current Approaches to the Transborder Studies in the Sphere of Tourism


15. Processes of Harmonization of the Eurasian Economic Community Member States’ Laws on Freedom of Conscience


18. Government Regulation of Advertising in the Eurasian Economic Union: Contradictions of Public Policy and Advertising Ethics


20. Instruments of Innovation Security


21. Russia’s Human Capital: Performance and Comparisons


23. Institutional Environment of Innovation Market: Structure and Factors of Development
